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Sister Ugo Otisi Omoji Otisi

Sister Ugo Otisi, (UG, Mma Dora, Mma Nurse as she was fondly called by family members and friends) was one of the highly accomplished ladies in Abiriba of distinguished pedigree. Her father, Mr. Festus Agwu Mbonu, was one of the first educationists in the then Owuwa Anyanwu County Council of the then Eastern Region of Nigeria. He was encouraged by the Missionaries to marry Susan Onyeocha Ucha, a proper lady, and they had Ugo, Nnanna Nnams, Grace and Nathaniel.

Her early education was at the Church of Scotland Mission, Abiriba, where she distinguished herself academically and morally earning the nickname, Nw'afa Ato, Akwukwo Ato (one who progressed even faster than her age!). She went on to Presbyterian Hospital, Ituk Mang in the then South Eastern Nigeria to train as a Registered Nurse. At the Mater Hospital, Afikpo,  she became doubly qualified and a Midwife as well. To satisfy her compassion for, and desire to reach out to, humanity outside the confines of the hospital, Sister Otisi advanced her studies in the public health sector and became the first Health Sister in charge of the then ANA Local Government Area encompassing Abiriba, Nkporo and Abam with headquarters at Abiriba. Where she worked until her death in 1982.

Most of her active professional life was spent at the then popular hospital of choice in the region, Akahaba-Abiriba Joint Hospital. There, she worked with the likes of Dr. Akanu Ibiam, Dr. Ibi, Dr. Grass, Reverend Gingrich, Sister Etuk, Sister Nwanyieze Anyim, her best friend and one of her daughter's namesake -the irony of beauty is that it breeds jealousy and envy, Mr. E.K.Otisi, Matron Jane Oteh, 

As one of the founding members of AWCO (and her children, umu AWCO), Sister Otisi was a close associate of Mma Ugo Mkpa and shared common virtues and legacy with her. Sister Otisi was also a strong member of the Presbyterian Women's Guild. She was the first and only woman admitted to the Otuenyi of her age grade, Nchina, in her time. The Nchina Park, Okpu Achi, Abiriba was the Igwa Mang Project of her age grade after the Nigeria-Biafra civil war.

Sister Otisi practiced her nursing profession the Florence Nightingale way. She was very kind, caring, compassionate, responsible,  respectful, God-fearing, dignified, very friendly, a mother par excellence, loving wife, family and societal pillar, attentive, quiet, humble, loving, generous, honourable, great cook, very intelligent,  very accommodating, very patient, a confidant,  a great teacher, of great integrity and highly principled. Indeed, she was a rare jewel of inestimable value. 

She sang in the choir with her secret admirer, the young Otis Omoji Otisi (Mayor),  who later broke many hopeful eligible hearts by marrying his "UG", Nw'afa Ato, Akwukwo Ato.  They were blessed with ten children six of whom survived as God heard their prayers and concluded with them that things have limit indeed. Today the Otisi Omoji Clan has its footprint all over the globe flying high the solid parental legacy banner of great achievements.

One notable contribution of Sister Otisi in the economic development of Abiriba Kingdom is her exemplary role in being one of the first Abiriba women to buy, own and develop land independently. Other capable Abiriba women emulated her foresighted initiative and today, Abiriba women continue to be a strong force to reckon with economically both in the home front and otherwise.

Sister Otisi,  after a stint as an elementary school teacher as a young mother, became a nurse. She also encouraged many Abiriba young women to go into the nursing field where she reached the acme in the profession consulting as mini doctor as needed especially during the civil war when the missionary doctors left the country.

By Felicia Otisi Omoji


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