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Utilization of Telehealth in the Age of COVID19

In early 2020, the world was hit with the devastating news of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that caused a pandemic. During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), healthcare organizations had to grapple with the challenge of providing care to a socially distanced society in an attempt to reduce the transmission of disease, preserve the limited personal protective equipment (PPE) available, and minimize exposure to patients, providers, and the community. The PHE provided an opportunity for telehealth services to gain traction as previous restrictions on providing telehealth services were lifted to reduce barriers to healthcare access. The healthcare sector looked to telehealth technical platforms to continue to delivery of care to the community under a lockdown. Telehealth refers to the entire spectrum of activities used to deliver care at a distance without direct physical contact with the patient. Telehealth was effective in care delivery in various non-emergent medical
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Access to Patient Health Records and its effect on Patient care.

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Examining the Project Management Profession: Digital transformation trends in the profession

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It is about time again! The Nigerian 2019 general elections are fast approaching. You spent the last 3 years listening to legislators from your region talking with no visible in your community. You spent years listening to a governor explain how he can't pay your salary but yet he and his friends live large and build statues worth millions of Naira. You have spend years getting explanation on why you don't still have adequate power supply , good roads and job opportunities. You have seen a switch in political parties yet situations remain the same. Your weapon for 2019 is you Permanent voters card (PVC). Steps on how to use this PVC : If you don't have one, go and get one. lf you have a friend that doesn't have one, wait for him to complain about any bad situation in the country. Tell him his solution is in the PVC Stop voting for Parties. Vote for individuals. Even your favorite party can field bad candidates.  If he has been in position before, he is not


Mayor Otisi Omoji Otisi was born in 1926 to OMOJI OTISI of Ndi Omoji, Ihebu Ameke and Madam Inyang Eme Echeghe (Nwaegele) of Ndi Echeghe, Ihungwu, Ameke both of in the Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State Nigeria  in West Africa. He attended the then Church of Scotland Mission School, Afiankwo, Abiriba where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate in 1939. For his secondary education, high school equivalent, he passed through then famous Aggrey Memorial College, Arochukwu, under the revered mentorship of the great Alvan Ikoku (of blessed memory). The Abiriba community identified the young Mayor as one of the talented potentials of his generation and magnanimously sponsored him to study at the pioneer and prestigious University College, Ibadan (UCI), Nigeria, an overseas affiliate to the University of London, London. He successfully completed his course of study there in record time in 1952, thus, becoming one of the few pioneer graduates of the institution with a

The 2019 Nigerian Elections political strategy

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       For a while, notable Nigerians have been calling for the police command to be run by states. This is a significant shift from the model we have in place today where the federal government is in charge of running the Nigerian police force under the leadership of an inspector general. This model is not only inefficient but is not proper for a country as large and diverse as Nigeria.     This article already assumes we need to shift to a state police model and will be looking at a way to transition without causing so much disruption in the security formations in place currently. Let us first talk broadly about the criminal justice system. This is made up of three major arms namely, Law enforcement, the court system (judiciary), and correctional facilities.  These 3 arms are linked together and must work together to give a smooth ruining criminal justice system. It is expected that when an arrest is made or a complaint is received against an individual, the law enforcement staff get