This write up is just my personal opinion on the present Nigerian policy direction and what needs to be done at this time. Since the government of President Buhari took over power, we have had to deal with various problems that are both transferred from previous governments and new ones. We have continued the war on terror, started a seemingly new fight against corruption, tried to deal with a drop in oil price which is our main source of income, had a delay in the formation of the Presidents cabinet, a delay in budget passing last year, budget padding issues, new uprising in the South east and South south, plus a lot more. Where do we stand today on all these issues? We are in an economic recession, the Naira is falling against all major currencies in the world, our oil production has reduced by more than half due to attacks on oil pipelines, terror attack has reduced but has not been extinguished. fight against corruption is not yielding a lot of conviction and we can go on a...